Face-to-Face research back on the cards!
Face-to-Face research back on the cards!
This month sees the lockdown restrictions begin to ease and the UK beginning to re-open its doors for business and we also welcome the first tentative steps to going back face to face research with the updated guidance from The Market Research Society (applicable from the 29th March).
Key points to note from the new guidance:
- Research practitioners must only undertake face-to-face data collection which cannot be achieved using other methods.
- Research practitioners must undertake risk assessments of any proposed face-to-face data collection exercise before beginning the activity.
- When face-to-face data collection is undertaken it can only be in those locations that remain open as a result of Covid-19 restrictions and in locations allowed within the MRS guidance.
- In-home face-to-face data collection continues to be restricted to on the doorstep only.
- Research practitioners have a responsibility to protect vulnerable groups, participants and the reputation of the profession.
For further details on the guidance please go to MRS Website
So, in essence in-store and on-street are possible if they are the only realistic way of acquiring the insight, in home is still not really an option but viewing facilities are! We have really missed the buzz of moderating a well recruited focus group and glad to see that a number of viewing facilities will also be re-opening their doors this month.
The MRS have also produced guidance for viewing facilities however the majority of viewing facilities have gone above and beyond this to make sure respondents, moderators and clients are safe. Our friends at Talkback Studios in Nottingham have shared their Covid-19 Working Practices policy to give you an idea of what you can expect.